Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Field Trip Friday: Shaw Nature Reserve

After story time on June 7th, Aunt Patty wanted to check out Shaw Nature Reserve so we packed a picnic lunch and headed out on a hike. 
Thankfully, Great Aunt Patty and Zach joined us.  Trust me, I would have never attempted a three-quarter mile hike each way with a three year old and a one year old by myself...and no stroller!   
Tyler, Great Aunt Patty and Nathan.

Tyler adores Zach and I love this photo of Tyler holding Zach's hand on the hike.  Also, thanks to Zach for carrying some of the picnic gear since I was often busy carrying Nathan.

Nathan enjoyed the hike.

It was a perfect day for a hike.  Tyler did ask the guide before we started the hike "Excuse me.  Where do we find the dinosaurs?"  She told him he was at the wrong park.  The story time topic was dinosaurs so all weekend long he kept asking people everywhere we went, including Pastor Paul at church on Sunday morning, where the dinosaurs were.  Silly boy!

Part of our picnic lunch.

Nathan did walk a portion of the hike but he sure slowed up the rest of the group, taking occasional breaks to check out rocks and/or grass.

He was a trooper though for the 1.5 mile (total) hike.

Zach was ever so patient with him. 

We stopped to check out the mud hut.  The walls were completely built out of bricks of mud - kinda cool.  Tyler was chilling out waiting for those of us who were lagging behind.

My little adventurer wanted to take this path with Zach while Patty and Nathan took the sturdy bridge.  
Since this field trip, Tyler frequently asks to go on picnics now.  He obviously enjoyed it even though he was pretty tired (due to length and it being nap time) when we were finished.

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