Thursday, September 29, 2011


Our little 2 year old has OCD (my personal diagnosis).  I thought I was bad but I realized this fact when I was having Tyler help with his birthday thank you notes.  We tried finger painting and that didn't work so well - he didn't want his hands to be that we reverted to coloring.  We got out the crayons and he lined them up, natural right?  He would pick up several crayons at a time and color a line or two with each crayon, put it down in a new line and pick up the next one. Very orderly.  When he got finished with the 24 crayons, we would color a new thank you note.  OCD at its finest!  He has always lined up his cars, trucks and trains when playing, but the coloring really made me laugh.   

This is how he felt about finger painting.  I even tried with a brush but he was not interested.

Crayons lined up.  I love this photo with his crayons and chubby little fingers. :)

Diligently coloring.

He was happy to be coloring...not finger painting.

By the way...thank you notes are coming! :)

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