Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Nathan's first black eye

Several weeks ago, Nathan received his first black eye courtesy of his big brother.  It wasn't quite as bad as it initially sounds.  Nathan was standing at the coffee table at the Ms. Eileen's house and Tyler was playing with some toys on the table.  Nathan must have gotten too close to the action and Tyler pushed Nathan's hands off the table.  Nathan was not prepared, lost his balance, and crashed into the table - face first. 
This photo was taken the same day it happened.  Poor eye was so swollen.

Nathan had no idea it was even there and it didn't bother him at all!

I am sure this isn't the last black eye he will have from his brother.  I think he wears it nicely. 
I should have documented the next few days as it changed colors from yellow to green and back to purple. 

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