Thursday, June 7, 2012

"I hold him?"

I often get asked the question "How is Tyler doing with the new baby?"  For the most part I have answered that Tyler pretty much ignores him and goes on about his day.  The extent of his interaction has been a goodnight kiss and the occasional "What's the matter?" when Nathan is crying.  Recently, that has changed, and Tyler asks "Where's Nathan?" when he is not in the same room we are and more surprisingly "I hold him?"  I was excited!

The first time Nathan was a bit was I but Tyler was sooo sweet. 

Tyler would say "It's okay Naphan." (yes, Tyler says it with a ph)

Tyler's sweet little voice didn't do the trick. 

The next night after Tyler got out of the bath and before it was Nathan's turn for a bath (hence why both boys are naked) Tyler asked again "I hold him?"

So sweet!

Melts my heart - he gave him a kiss totally unprompted. 

Tyler was so proud and Nathan looked a bit more comfortable with the whole thing too!

I am excited for these two to be best friends!  
Tyler is an excellent big brother!

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