Thursday, May 19, 2011

Everyday miracles...

Early this morning, Tyler and I ventured to Children's Hospital for his very thorough eye exam.  I was prepared [with snacks, books, DVD player, etc.] for a long morning with a 20 month old waiting for test results, seeing multiple doctors and getting Tyler's eyes dilated.  I am happy to report than even though Tyler's exams went into his usual nap-time, he was such a good boy and, more important, he passed all his tests with flying colors and we don't have to go back for an entire year!  This is a big deal as we were going every 3 months to have his vision and the hemangioma size checked.  I am so excited!  Most days, the hemangioma is barely noticeable and they said the hemangioma "should be gone entirely by age 4 or 5, if not before."  So, if I understand correctly, the hemangioma should be gone some time between now and 3 years from now - very accurate (insert sarcasm here). 

I do; however, want to praise the amazing staff at Children's Hospital.  They treat every child (and parent) with such respect and care.  Every time we visit Children's I sit in my car and say a prayer of thanks before we leave the parking garage for my healthy child.  I also say a prayer for the many, many kids we see who are sooooo sick.  Regardless of the reason you are visiting the hospital, the staff is remarkable.  Tyler was given "Miracle bubbles" today when we left the hospital and it was a great reminder to appreciate the everyday miracles...the smiles from our sweet baby boy...the new words he learns daily...and the amazing love he shares with us every single day. 

Thanks, Children's Hospital, for taking great care of kids, especially mine, and for the excellent reminder to appreciate everyday miracles! 

I hope this reminds you to stop and appreciate your everyday miracles!

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