This post is long overdue.
Several weeks ago Tyler attended our church's Vacation Bible School (VBS). To say he loved it would be an understatement. We are still singing the songs on a daily basis.
Warning: There are a LOT of photos and several videos.
This may be my favorite picture from VBS. Pure elation!
Here are the videos:
Step Right Up
Love the Lord Your God
God Loves a Cheerful Giver
To top off all the excitement, ice cream was served after the program!
And then...
Several weeks ago Tyler attended our church's Vacation Bible School (VBS). To say he loved it would be an understatement. We are still singing the songs on a daily basis.
Warning: There are a LOT of photos and several videos.
Tyler on one of the nights of VBS. The teachers took this one to send home with parents.
Tyler already has a special bond with GG Wood, but VBS week solidified it even more. GG was in charge of teaching the kids the songs which just happened to be Tyler's favorite part. Everyone in Tyler's class was calling her GG because Tyler told them that was her name. :)
These two are alike in a lot of ways.
Godwin was the puppet that told the stories all week. Tyler talked about Godwin quite a bit when he got home, but wasn't great at relating the exact stories.
Each night there was a different message and Bible verse. Tyler talks about the importance of being a great neighbor often.
Neighbors are giving!
Neighbors are giving!
God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7b)
Neighbors are welcoming!
Praise the Lord, all you nations! Worship Him, all you peoples! (Psalm 117:1)
Neighbors are friendly!
Serve the Lord with celebration! Come before him with shouts of joy! (Psalm 100:2)
Neighbors are bold!
I was hungry and you gave me food to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me. (Matthew 25:35)
Neighbors are forgiving!
Therefore you should treat people in the same way that you want people to treat you. (Matthew 7:12)
Waiting for the performance to begin.
Nathan knows many of the motions too. He really wanted to go to VBS with his big brother.
This may be my favorite picture from VBS. Pure elation!
Popo and Nathan hung out after Nathan attempted and did run up to the performance area.
Here are the videos:
Everywhere Fun Fair!
Please disregard the microphone issues in the background. The two ladies in front of Jeff were Tyler's teachers for VBS, Ms. Monica and Ms. Jackie. To top off all the excitement, ice cream was served after the program!
And then...
Tyler's photo was in the paper! He was so excited! Thanks, Aunt Jeanne!
It was a great VBS and we are so glad Tyler enjoys activities at church.
LOVE seeing the kids loving to learn and sing about Jesus! Such adorable photos!!!